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Showing posts from October, 2015

Bored of the Bible?

Honesty time: I have struggled with possessing the desire to read my Bible on and off for years. There it is. Out in the open. The ugly truth for all to see. This Christian, God fearing, Sunday School teaching, children church preaching woman has issues with reading her Bible on the daily. I've had those seasons of being on fire for God and devouring every word I could get my hands on, but I've also had those seasons of being so bored with the Bible that I really struggled to keep my eyes open while reading. I'm pretty sure we ALL face this issue at least once in our Christian walk, but a lot of people are simply too ashamed to be honest about it. Frankly, I have been ashamed myself, hiding my lack from those who thought I should be better than I really am deep down inside. The truth is, everyone has their struggles and we all have different reasons as to why we struggle like we do. Be encouraged!! There's more to having time with Jesus than simply readin...