Our miracle baby is growing so fast! I can't believe she just turned 18 months. With this milestone came her 18 month physical, but we were dreading it. Our Charlotte has been excelling in the speech department and has been talking away from months now, but the walking has been a struggle. She took a few steps on her own a couple weeks after her first birthday, but soon decided it wasn't for her and she abruptly stopped. Since then, we have been begging and pleading and encouraging and pushing her to walk with no success. We asked the doctor several times and they assured us it wasn't a big deal and that she was only being cautious and perhaps stubborn (I have NO idea where she would get that from 😏). We knew at the beginning of the appointment that she had arrived at her walking deadline and there might be some concern this time. It started as usual... "She's tall for her age. She's low in weight for her age." Things we knew were a constant theme for he...
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