I was reading in Psalm tonight and I came across a scripture that amazed my heart. It stuck with me in a wonderful way. Nathan and I have been slowly readying our home for the blessing we know God is going to give us and Psalm 127:3-5 just reminded me how children are a sweet reward from Him. It also reminds me that when we raise children, we raise arrows. We are raising warriors for God's tribe. We are raising soldiers for God's army. I want to raise arrows. I want to be that mom who equips her children with the love of God and the virtues necessary to be not only efficient, but mighty opponents of the enemy. I want our kids to be ready for anything the world throws at them because their roots will be deeply planted and watered by the Word of God. I want them to not only be reactive, but to be proactive members of the body of Christ. I want their testimonies to shine brighter than the glitz & glam the world uses to lure our youth in. I want them to be effective and sha...
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