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Lovealee Thoughts

A Little About Me
I am the wife to an amazing husband after God's own heart, a special education teacher who pioneered a program for students with autism displaying moderate to severe behavioral problems. I used to work in the trauma OR at our local hospital, but once our miracle baby was born, I was allowed the opportunity to live my dream as a stay at home mom. Together we are involved in leadership at our church (Church of God of Prophecy Madera) where we are active in all kinds of ministries including: music, teaching, and even preaching on occasion. 

Truth is, having a baby was something my body resisted. The doctors said one thing, but God promised us a child and we believed and rested in that promise. So instead of being worried about what might or might not be, we trusted God to carry out His promise by making the house improvements and getting the nursery ready for our little miracle. She was worth every moment we waited for her.

What is "Lovealee"?
Lovealee Thoughts comes from my favorite scripture in Philippians 4:8 which says, "Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things." This scripture reminds me not to think on the negative things that my mind so easily wanders to, but instead to think on things that are lovely (love-a-lee) and pure. We all have those moments when our minds want to dwell on the ugliness all around us. We internalize things people say to us or ideas that are planted by the enemy, and that's why this scripture is so powerful and important. We can't let our minds wander off to negativity-town, but we need to train our minds to think on God and all the loveliness He brings. Even if God is not your thing, it still makes sense to focus your thoughts on positive things over negative things. It's important to have the right frame of mind in order to get through the rain fall of life's hardships. I pray that you learn to train your mind on things that are lovely and pure and cast off those times of self-loathing and poor-thinking. 


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